Sunday, September 20, 2009

I just got home from last night. The night before, my birthday, was a real adventure. Today I have a couple of papers to write. One is not really a paper its basically a introduction paragraph. Then I will take a break, do something (outside hopefully), and then take notes for another class. I keep leaving my camera at home which sucks because I could have kept some good memories. My usb cord for my camera is still at home and just normal cords are too big. I also left my barnes and noble gift cards at home. I might have to go and get another so I can get my Essential Asatru book. The book seems alright. I'm hoping to have more of an understanding on practice. Homework, later.

Friday, September 18, 2009


Alright, so I ultimately FAIL at blogging. I just got done with my second week of college. I joined a Gaming Society and I might join this other club that does super cool outdoor activities. I went to the Gaming Society meeting but had to leave early. I haven't started playing D&D yet but I'm excited to start. (oh. Someone caught my eye there. I think he's attractive..) I went for a walk the other night with Brandon at the Bagley's and we sat out on the lookout and we talked for a while. We also talked about the gods and starting to practice. Well, I'll update later. It's my birthday and I'm going to partyyy. We plan on celebrating autumn equinox I believe..?

Monday, April 6, 2009

Quick Update

I'm in one of my computer classes right now. I decided that I should probably do a quick post. I've been sick and for the past two days it has gotten worse. I also sorted out how I am going to do some of my research. For the moment I am going to research about the Blot and see if there are any prayers or offerings, especially if there are any thing that is done daily. I will post soon about what I find on this. :D

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Study, Study, Study!

I'm not much of a blogger but here it goes. I just recently decided to look into Asatru. I have a lot of books and other materials to look through so I'm currently trying to organize. I'll be using this blog to share what I have learned and what I'll be doing. Like my other blogger, Breandan, it's hard for me to find time to study because of everything that is going on. I plan to read the Poetic Eddas and the Prose Eddas soon. I'll probably just print them off at school since I don't have ink in my printer.