Friday, February 26, 2010

Study, public speaking, and languages.

Well first off I need to state that I'm a horrible blogger. I decided to start blogging more though since I now have two other blogs other than this. I'm actually kind of excited and hope that I will keep up with them now. Brandon and I are doing study sessions each week. I'm going to be horribly busy this weekend with homework BUT one is for my public speaking class. We have to give an informative speech and I decided to do mine on Asatru. It was pretty exciting since most of my class wants me to do it as well. The speech is limited to five minutes though. I will be giving a brief description of what it means, some history, beliefs/values, holidays/feasts, and community. I will be learning more by doing this speech! I will have to spend my day tomorrow doing this speech, hopefully if I'm having trouble Brandon will be available to guide me. Brandon and I will be doing language studies. He is learning Irish and I want to learn Norwegian. This summer we should have plenty of time for language and studies which will be really good. Also, living together will make it helpful too.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

I just got home from last night. The night before, my birthday, was a real adventure. Today I have a couple of papers to write. One is not really a paper its basically a introduction paragraph. Then I will take a break, do something (outside hopefully), and then take notes for another class. I keep leaving my camera at home which sucks because I could have kept some good memories. My usb cord for my camera is still at home and just normal cords are too big. I also left my barnes and noble gift cards at home. I might have to go and get another so I can get my Essential Asatru book. The book seems alright. I'm hoping to have more of an understanding on practice. Homework, later.

Friday, September 18, 2009


Alright, so I ultimately FAIL at blogging. I just got done with my second week of college. I joined a Gaming Society and I might join this other club that does super cool outdoor activities. I went to the Gaming Society meeting but had to leave early. I haven't started playing D&D yet but I'm excited to start. (oh. Someone caught my eye there. I think he's attractive..) I went for a walk the other night with Brandon at the Bagley's and we sat out on the lookout and we talked for a while. We also talked about the gods and starting to practice. Well, I'll update later. It's my birthday and I'm going to partyyy. We plan on celebrating autumn equinox I believe..?

Monday, April 6, 2009

Quick Update

I'm in one of my computer classes right now. I decided that I should probably do a quick post. I've been sick and for the past two days it has gotten worse. I also sorted out how I am going to do some of my research. For the moment I am going to research about the Blot and see if there are any prayers or offerings, especially if there are any thing that is done daily. I will post soon about what I find on this. :D

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Study, Study, Study!

I'm not much of a blogger but here it goes. I just recently decided to look into Asatru. I have a lot of books and other materials to look through so I'm currently trying to organize. I'll be using this blog to share what I have learned and what I'll be doing. Like my other blogger, Breandan, it's hard for me to find time to study because of everything that is going on. I plan to read the Poetic Eddas and the Prose Eddas soon. I'll probably just print them off at school since I don't have ink in my printer.